配电网因雷击引起的典型故障特性 |
添加时间:2018/3/21 15:37:50 浏览次数: |
配电网因雷击引起的典型故障特性 Typical fault characteristics of distribution network due to lightning strike 1、绝缘子闪络后损坏 1. Damage after flashover of insulators 2、绝缘导线雷击断线 2. Lightning break line of insulated conductor 3、台区避雷器损坏率过高(>7‰) 3. The damage rate of the lightning arrester in the platform area is too high (> 7 per thousand) 4、配电变压器雷击烧毁 4. Lightning strike of distribution transformer 5、裸导线雷击断线 5, bare wire lightning breakage 6、配设备(电缆头、、断路器、分段开关)雷击损坏 6, lightning damage of the equipment (cable head, circuit breaker, segmented switch) |
上一页 过电压是指工频下交流电压均方根值升高 |
下一页 避雷器是保护雷电过电压的 |
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